We’ve thrown together a list of 10 things you may or may not know about vaping. As always, we like to provide information relevant to new and seasoned vapers, so we hope everyone will be able to find some useful knowledge about the world of vaping.
- Delicious - This is obviously geared toward the people new to vaping or thinking of picking it up. One of our favorite facts about vaping is the sheer volume of different products on the market. As the leading distributor of vape products in the industry, eLiquid.com alone carries 2,400 brands and over 11,000 flavors, and that isn’t even everything available on the market! There are new brands being brought on every day that are either being newly approved for sale, or just getting the hint that eLiquid.com is the best place to host a product. The massive collective of different flavors virtually guarantees that you will find at least one juice that to you is absolutely delicious.
- (Relatively) waste free - When is the last time you saw a vape mod in a gutter? Perhaps a cig-a-like stepped on in the street? That’s what we thought, never! Unlike tobacco products that we could walk 20 feet on a busy road and find a few discarded filters or tins, vaping is relatively waste free! Most vapers who are ready to swap out a coil or change flavors are doing so in the comfort of their own home, and the waste ends up in the proper garbage receptacle which keep it from littering our streets and our oceans. We’re happy to say this community of vapers has been a great step towards a litter free world.
- Variety - As we mentioned above, there is an incredible variety of flavors to choose from. What we didn’t mention is the number of different devices you have to select from as well! Whether it be a pod system, mechanical mod, drip atomizer, tank, or one of the products that sort of ride the line between these types, we like to think there’s at least one mod type to fit anyone’s desired method of vaping their juice.
- Ease of use - While there are some exceptions and a slight learning curve with particular products, there are so many types of mods and pods that require almost no knowledge to use properly. Take many of the pod systems for example, apart from taking the time to decide on a flavor, you can plug your pod in and take a drag almost immediately without any prior introduction to the product. Those of us who enjoy using a tank, it’s as simple as choosing a coil, screwing it into your tank, and filling it up with juice to get straight to enjoying that new flavor you just ordered online.
- Lifestyle fitting - This could potentially be a subsection of variety, but we thought it would bear mentioning on it’s own. There is a device on the market to fit any lifestyle. If you only get a short time to vape during a work day, then a pod system or cig-a-like fits you perfectly as only a few short puffs will satisfy your needs. If you are a heavy vaper who really needs that flavor to keep coming, there are large tanks like the Smok Cloud Beast to keep you chugging along all day with very little upkeep. Do you need to carry your mod in your pocket? There are specific tanks, and pod systems, that are designed to avoid any chance at leaking while you carry it with you through the day.
- Smell - This is an overwhelming plus of the industry. If you have transitioned to vaping from traditional tobacco products, you know firsthand how quickly your own smell has changed. It’s safe to say that the vast majority of people strongly dislike the smell of tobacco products, which is not present in the slightest with vaping. Once you take a drag and exhale, that smell is gone as quickly as your cloud, and won’t end up sticking to your clothing to drag through the office all day.
- Money saving - Not taking into account the taxes on tobacco products, the average vaper needs much less e-liquid than they would traditional nicotine products to get their fix, and unless you’re going through a few 60ml bottles a day, you’re going to see the extra money in your pocket growing significantly. While the average vaper probably sees a modest saving after transitioning to e-liquid, there are a number of products on the market that increase your nicotine intake, and lower your monthly costs even more.
- Community - With the growth of the vaping industry, we’ve seen a huge uprising of communities spring up around it. Whether it be ecig forums, fan sites, flavor review sites, social media groups, youtube channels, it’s hard to spend any amount of time looking at vape products online without finding a great community to interact with and share your experiences and favorite flavors with. Have you found your All Day Vape (ADV)? We urge you to get online and share it with a community you enjoy so that you can spread the word and help others find their ADV as well!
- Competition - You might be confused by this one, competition? Yes! There are many competitions out there regarding vaping! Have you just perfected your first “O”? What about getting that jellyfish trick down? Well there are competitions going on every year that bring together the best trickers and cloud chasers in the world to compete for cash prizes! Think you can get your cloud to reach thirteen feet? Perhaps it’s time you put your skills to the test. Google your nearest vape competitions and if you don’t plan to compete, feel free to go and support your local vape enthusiasts.
- Evolving industry - We saved the best for last, and that is to say that this is a relatively new line of products! We’re lucky to be working at a company that gets to watch vaping evolve every step of the way and keep our products current for you to enjoy. Two years ago we didn’t see any salt nic products on the market, four years ago, you would be hard pressed to find anyone with a pod device. We hope you are all as excited as we are to see what this industry has in store in terms of better devices, longer lasting coils, new flavors, and all around improvements to an already spectacular line up of products.