Everyone knows that closed pod systems and salt nic juices have taken the vape industry by storm. Many people who are new to the industry--2016 and after--think this is actually a new concept in vaping. I mean, the salt nic is, of course. But a closed pod system? Old items made BETTER! Back in 2013, vaping first became largely known in the states from using ‘closed pod systems’ unknowingly. Back then we called them "Cig-a-likes," simply because they resembled an analog and they felt relatively the same due to the restricted airflow. Most of us used high content nicotine. I personally used 24mg, but remember that was all in standard liquid nicotine or ‘freebase nicotine’.
Can you say HARSH?! The systems then were rather similar to what we all know and love which are closed pod systems. Essentially, you have a ‘tank’ that you fill and then toss when the coils burn out instead of changing or building your coils in your tank. In the cig-a-like days, we would unscrew them and put a new pre-filled one on. Now we have the luxury of buying a new ‘tank’ and filling it with our own juice. So essentially, we digressed and went back to low wattage and high nicotine after all any of us wanted to wide open airflow and heat. Which I am not complaining about because as much as I like a hot vape, it’s nice to have a low wattage nicotine fix everyone once in a while. I think this is also an easier way for analog users to transition to vaping due to the fact that they are typically not as bulky and the vapor isn’t as hot.
A personal favorite of mine is the Aspire Breeze due to the fact that you can refill it with any juice you like – salt nic or not and you also get pretty nice vapor production out of it regardless of the fact that it only has 4.2 volts. Whereas if you are looking for something that you do not have to refill and can just use pods for, I recommend the Phix by MLV. This is a very small and compact device which resembles, in my opinion, the sleek look of a cig-a-like. This one uses 50mg pods and runs at 3.7 volts. Don’t expect the best vapor production out of this device but expect a pretty decent battery life. The Phix is actually what made me fall in love with salt nic juices, all due to their Brewell Hard Candy pod.
So now that I have gotten some other closed systems, the closest flavor I could find is the Solace Salts – Strawberry Hard Candy. It’s almost exactly spot on in the 50mg. If you are looking for a new high nicotine juice for your pod system think about going with a salt nic versus a ‘freebase nicotine’ juice as you can get your high nicotine without the harsh throat hit due to the lower PH in the nicotine itself and that is vaporized at a lower temperate. Low temp and high nic? What’s not to love!?